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Property Advisor Report (PAR)
Property Advisor Report (PAR)

Find aggregated asking rate and occupancy data for a selected group of competitors in Properties.

Caroline Riley avatar
Written by Caroline Riley
Updated today

The Property Advisor Report (PAR) provides aggregated asking rate and occupancy data for a selected group of competitors. Your competitive set must include a minimum of four (4) properties from four different operators to meet our confidentiality requirements.

The PAR can be accessed via the Properties menu on the left side of the screen in the VisionLTC platform. Once you've navigated to this screen, you will need to select the market and competitor buildings around which you'd like to run your PAR. There are two ways to quickly navigate to the area you'd like to view in the platform:

  1. Typing an address, city, county, state, zip code, or latitude/longitude pair into the search box at the top of the screen.

  2. Clicking on one of the green circles on that map, which represent markets covered by your subscription. The number within each circle represents the number of buildings contained within that market area.

Once you've selected the market you'd like to view, you will need to identify which properties you'd like to comprise your competitor set. There are a variety of ways in which you can select properties to create a comp set:

  1. Manually select properties from the list on the left side of the screen.

  2. Create a trade area using the Filter Inventory option on the left. This will allow you to select up to two market areas. These can be mileage radii, drive time polygons, or a custom-drawn polygon.

  3. Use the provided filters to limit your search to specific property types, property statuses, property ages, profit status, campus types, care segments, or specific operators.

The methods for selecting a comp set above can all be interchanged - for example, you can select specific communities within a given trade area to create your comp set. Please note that the maximum number of properties that can be included in a single PAR is 50.

After selecting your competitors, click Run PAR to generate a new report. You may also generate a Property Advisor Report for any reports saved in a previous session by selecting the saved report in the Saved PARs search menu.

Please note that the Property Advisor Report opens in a new browser tab, so be sure to disable your pop-up blocker for the VisionLTC client portal.

The Property Advisor is calculated on-demand and may take a few moments to calculate depending upon the number of properties included.

The Report includes links at the top of the page so you can easily navigate to a specific section of the report.

The Data tab contains market-level performance data for the competitors included in the PAR. This tab contains figures such as Occupancy, Rate, and Relative Performance (RPI) by care type in the Segment Data section, and unit-specific performance information in the Unit Data section. Any data points which do not have enough data to meet the 4 operator/4 building rule will list "Protected" instead of a numerical result.

The Occupancy, Average Rent, and RPI sections contain historical trend data for their respective data points. Each section contains a chart listing historical data by quarter for Seniors Housing as a whole (Assisted Living, Independent Living, and Memory Care), AL, IL, MC, and Skilled Nursing.

The dotted blue line represents the performance of your selected comp set for the specified metric, while the green line represents the buildings in either a metro or county benchmark, based on your selection in the dropdown menu at the top of the screen. The gray line will represent markets similar to the one around your comp set. In the example shown below, Raleigh, North Carolina is being compared to other secondary markets, due to it being defined as a secondary market in NIC MAP.

The Comp Set Properties tab will provide you with an overview of the competitor buildings in your selected comp set. Here you can view the top 5 operators in the comp set, with detail as to the number of buildings they operate out of that set, units those buildings contain, and their relative share of the market.

Beneath this, you can view a more detailed table of all competitor buildings in the comp set, which includes building location, age, campus type, product mix, inventory under construction, and operator.

The Providers tab gives you the ability to identify strategic providers in the market. This data will allow visibility into the total set of providers within a specified market, the quality of those providers, and the communities they serve. Providers displayed in the PAR serve at least 1 community in the comp set's underlying counties. Read more about Providers data in NIC MAP Vision, here.

The Construction Activity tab contains information for buildings with units under construction in your market. This section will list the building's name and location, as well as its scheduled completion date, operator, type of construction, and number of units being constructed.

The Closed Transactions section details seniors housing building sales that have occurred in the past 24 months in this market. This data comes courtesy of Real Capital Analytics and contains details about the property that was sold, as well as close price on the transaction and the price per unit.

The Hospitals tab contains information about hospitals in your selected market. This includes location, ownership type, and whether or not the hospital offers emergency services.

Saving Property Advisor Reports

Save a Property Advisor Report for access in a future session by clicking the Save Report button located in the upper right corner of the Property Advisor Report web page.

The report will be saved under the name specified in the Report Name field, and can be loaded at a later time using the Saved PARs tab of Local Property Search.

Exporting the Property Advisor Report

The PAR can be exported both as a PDF and as a .xlsx (Excel) file.

To export data, click on the respective PDF or Excel buttons located at the top right hand of the report web page.

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