How To: News

Analyzing information about construction and development projects in the news.

David Wiggington avatar
Written by David Wiggington
Updated over a week ago

News provides you with a tailored view of industry happenings in and around a market of your choice. By partnering with LexisNexis, we scrape Senior Housing-specific news articles from across the internet that are geotagged to a specific metro area. This feature is available as a part of a Pipeline Insight subscription.

News Search

To access the News module, click on Markets on the sidebar of the VisionLTC web app homepage, and then select the News tab among the four options you have to choose from. The articles displayed while using the search will either be related to construction Pipeline or Transactions and are based on the button selected near the top of the search window.

The search feature of the News module allows you to search for a Site in three different ways: (1) By Site Group, (2) By Location, or (3) Text Search. Searching for a site by Site Group will allow you to choose any Site from a previously uploaded Group in VisionLTC portal. This will search for news articles from the MSA that the selected site is in. A search for site by Location will allow you to search for news in up to three geographic areas. Lastly, a Text Search will allow you to search the news database for specific term(s) of up to 100 characters.

Site Detail Report

You can also see news for a site by viewing the News section of a site detail report. This will automatically detect the MSA for the site being viewed and display relevant articles in the section below.

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