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Referral Insight - NIC MAP's Marketing Tool
Referral Insight - NIC MAP's Marketing Tool

Identify and connect with Referral Sources that surround your communities to improve your communities' marketing efforts.

David Wiggington avatar
Written by David Wiggington
Updated over a month ago

Referral Insight helps you connect with 130+ different medical and non-medical types of Referral Sources who serve seniors, including Physicians, Elder Law Attorneys, Geriatric Care Managers, and more. Referral Insight covers the entire US, so you’ll be able to find potential Referral Sources whether your site is in Atlanta or Colorado Springs.

You can view Referral Sources in a specific market by choosing a site from a Group you’ve uploaded to your portal that contains a combination of different sites that you’ve selected. You also have the option to view Referral Sources in a specific market by simply searching by for an address.

Referral Source Reports

Once you’ve uploaded a list of sites as a Group or you have a specific site address ready to search, it’s time to build your first Referral Source Report.

Referral Source Report is a list of Referral Sources that you have selected and intend to connect with. These Reports are unique to each user, so your teammates cannot see the Reports that you’ve created. You can create as many Reports as you’d like, and the same Referral Source can be included in multiple Reports, so organize your Reports the way that works best for you.

To get started, select Referrals from the sidebar, and then press the “New Referral Search” button.

The Referral Sources Search window requires that you give your search a Name, and then allows you to select where you can select what site or address to work with and what types of Referral Sources to look for within a specific distance of your site. To view and select different Referral Sources, click on the Categories dropdown. Once you’ve entered your settings, click on Search to display your results.

The number of results in your list will depend on the categories you searched for and the size of your radius. You can sort the results by clicking on any of the column headers, and you can turn the page by using the arrow buttons in the bottom left corner of the screen.

To interact with the data, click on the row of any source on your screen to open the detail window for a Referral Source. For a Non-Medical Referral Source, the detail window gives you general information about the source, including: Referral Source category, specialty, address, phone number, website, and map.

For a Medical Referral Source, the site detail screen gives you information such as: general information, services provided, and detail around prescriptions written. If the Medical Referral Source you’ve selected does prescribe medication, you’ll be able to see the name of the medication, how many times it has been prescribed, and the number of beneficiaries it has been prescribed to.

Exporting Referral Source Reports

You can easily download the data presented in Referral Insight. Click Export Results to export your list to Excel. Prior to your export, you will need to make sure you’ve clicked the Save Parameters button. After clicking the Export Results button, the export file will be downloaded to your local machine.

The downloaded Excel file contains 5 distinct tabs:

Contact Page

Contains contact information on each source, basic category data, and distance from site.


Contains data relevant to Medical Sources that provide Prescriptions to Medicare Beneficiaries. All providers that issued prescriptions associated with placement and/or usage in senior housing are detailed on this page, along with a prescription and beneficiary count as well as a description of what that prescription treats.


Contains data relevant to Medical Sources that provide Services to Medicare Beneficiaries. All providers that provided services associated with placement and/or usage in senior housing are detailed on this page, along with a service and beneficiary count as well as a description of what each service intends to treat.

Quality Measures

Contains quality measure data for hospitals within the search area.

Medicare Providers

In addition to the general Service and Prescription data, you also have the ability to stratify that data into beneficiary counts, claim counts, and total payments for several stratified groups of Medicare Beneficiaries:

  • Beneficiaries aged 80+

  • Beneficiaries with Dementia

  • Beneficiaries with Multiple Falls

  • Beneficiaries living in Senior Housing treated by a Medicare Provider (i.e. Physician or RN)

  • Beneficiaries living in Senior Housing treated by an Institutional Medicare Provider (i.e. Hospital)

As you explore this file, you may find it helpful to utilize sorting & filtering to focus your list, as well as freezing panes to allow you to examine a wide spreadsheet without losing the name of the source on the left-hand side for reference.

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